
GreenBotAI- Frugal and Adaptive AI for Flexible Industrial Robotics

A Franco-German collaboration to develop industrial robotics with sustainable AI solutions and strengthen supply chain resilience. The GreenBotAI is one of the five projects selected for the “Franco-German Innovation Projects on Artificial Intelligence technologies for Risk Prevention, Crisis Management and Resilience” supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).



Subcontracted Partners

Associated Partners


1. Ensure Production during Pandemics

  • To ensure continuous production in Europe during pandemics.
  • Reducing labour-intensive production to strengthen the economy during crisis (e.g., COVID).

2. Production Automation

  • To guarantee European sovereignty in terms of production automation.
  • Developing scalable solutions to automate production lines.

3. Reduced/ Reduce Energy Consumption

  • Reducing the environmental impact of European factories by reducing the energy consumption of robotic applications by 50%.
  • On the fly execution of tasks to generate smooth trajectories and saver takt time.